Use These Barbie Quotes as Barbie Instagram Captions for Girls BIO
We have collected some of the best cute barbie Instagram captions and Barbie Quotes that are perfect for your selfie pics and barbie love bio for girls.
Use These Cute Barbie Captions for Your Instagram Selfie, Pic or BIO
- If y⟲u're int⟲ pin㉿, y⟲u'll be f⟲nd ⟲f Barbie.
- Girl$ d⟲n't have t⟲ be li㉿e Barbie$ t⟲ be beautiful.
- Barbie i$ hardly repre$entative ⟲f real w⟲men'$ b⟲die$.
- Many w⟲rrie$ that the unreali$tic b⟲die$ ⟲f Barbie$ ma㉿e y⟲ung girl$ feel inadequate.
- Barbie cann⟲t $tand al⟲ne, but her friend$ are $⟲ld $eparately.
- There $h⟲uld be m⟲re variati⟲n$ ⟲f Barbie$.
- N⟲t every⟲ne wi$he$ t⟲ be a perfect Barbie.
- Barbie ha$ a $urpri$ing am⟲unt ⟲f influence ⟲ver y⟲ung girl$.
- There i$ a Barbie f⟲r every ⟲ccupati⟲n.
- $⟲me w⟲men enj⟲y dre$$ing up li㉿e Barbie.
- The many different face$ ⟲f Barbie repre$ent the gr⟲wing variety ⟲f ch⟲ice$ w⟲men have.
- Barbie i$ a part ⟲f many girl$' childh⟲⟲d$.
- Barbie i$ a r⟲le m⟲del f⟲r th⟲$e wh⟲ l⟲ve fa$hi⟲n.
- Many pe⟲ple want t⟲ live li㉿e Barbie.
- ⟲ther$ prefer t⟲ live free fr⟲m the re$tricti⟲n$ ⟲f a Barbie'$ life.
- N⟲t every girl $ee$ Barbie a$ a r⟲le m⟲del.
- Barbie can $par㉿ a l⟲ve ⟲f fa$hi⟲n.
- What ㉿id$ d⟲ t⟲ Barbie$ i$ n⟲t alway$ cute.
- Barbie$ can pr⟲vide an ⟲utlet that many ㉿id$ need.
- When y⟲u d⟲n't have a Barbie, y⟲u ma㉿e d⟲ with what y⟲u have.
- Y⟲ur imaginati⟲n i$ a big part ⟲f h⟲w much fun y⟲u can have with Barbie$.
- Even a brand a$ big a$ Barbie face$ difficultie$ at time$.
- Y⟲u d⟲n't have t⟲ bec⟲me a Barbie t⟲ be accepted.
- N⟲t all girl$ are f⟲nd ⟲f d⟲ll$.
- Barbie n⟲w repre$ent$ different race$ and ethnicitie$ $⟲ that m⟲re children feel included and heard.
- “Barbie i$ ju$t a d⟲ll.”
- “Barbie y⟲u can be anything.”
- “C⟲me ⟲n Barbie let$ g⟲ party.”
- “㉿eep calm and l⟲⟲㉿ li㉿e Barbie.”
- “Y⟲u want a perfect girl? Buy a Barbie.”
- “Y⟲u’re $⟲ fa㉿e. Y⟲u ma㉿e Barbie l⟲⟲㉿ real.”
- “Every girl i$ a d⟲ll, either Barbie ⟲r Annabelle.”
- “$⟲me pe⟲ple are $⟲ fa㉿e they ma㉿e barbie l⟲⟲㉿ real.”
- “I wa$ a ma㉿eup arti$t in my childh⟲⟲d ⟲f my Barbie.”
- “Thin㉿ ⟲f me a$ the Barbie y⟲u’ll never get t⟲ play with.”
Cool Barbie Quotes for Instagram Post
“probably do have an Asian Barbie.” – Iris Chang
"What makes you different, makes you dangerous." ~ Veronica Roth
“I’m not a Barbie, and I’m alright with that.” – Pink
“I am the living Barbie Doll, how are you?” – Jeffree Star
“I was big time into Barbie.” – Jennifer Sky
“I enjoy getting dressed as a Barbie doll.” – Vanna White
“I was into Barbie and designer jeans.” – Carson Kressley
“Girls are not your Barbie doll to play with them as you want.”
“Get your sparkle on. Show this world where you belong. – Barbie”
“I did a picture for the First Barbie doll box.” – Heather O’Rourke
"Barbie is my role modle. She might not do anything, but she looks good doing it." ~ Paris Hilton
“I’ll never be like a Barbie girl, that’s for sure.” – Victoria Azarenka
"I enjoy getting dressed as a Barbie doll." ~ Vanna White
“What makes you different, makes you dangerous.” – Veronica Roth
"I am the living Barbie Doll, how are you?" ~ Jeffree Star
“I didn’t have a Barbie doll, so I played with eternity.” – Vanna Bonta
"Barbie has always been an inspiration. Dressing her was part of ever girl's dream." ~ Reem Acra
“I think they should have a Barbie with a buzz cut.” – Ellen DeGeneres
"I'm not barbie, and im alright with that." ~ Pink
“I thought the Barbie doll would always be successful.” – Ruth Handler
"We Barbie dolls are not supposed to behave the way I do." ~ Sharon Stone
“Barbie sure has a lot of nice things for a woman whose knees don’t bend.”
"The ugly duckling is a misunderstood universal myth. It's not about turning into a blonde Barbie doll or becoming what you dream of being; it's about self-revelation, becoming who you are." ~ Baz Luhrmann
“Stand-up was like being on a Barbie townhouse stage.” – Mario Cantone
"When I stand before the throne of God, I shall be judged innocent." ~ Klaus Barbie
"Barbie always represented the fact that a woman has choices." ~ Ruth Handler
"I thought the Barbie doll would always be successful." ~ Ruth Handler
“We Barbie dolls are not supposed to behave the way I do.” – Sharon Stone
"If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?" ~ Steven Wright
"I wasn't Barbie-obsessed. I think my mother might have been my Barbie." ~ Michael Kors
“Barbie always represented the fact that a woman has choices.” – Ruth Handler
"I didn't have a Barbie doll, so I played with eternity." ~ Vanna Bonta
“Barbies, nails, and fashion – I’ll take everything in baby pink, please.” – Jeffree Star
"They probably do have an Asian Barbie." ~ Iris Chang
“I am not one of those girls you can play with. If you want to play then go and buy a Barbie.”
“Barbie is my role model. She might not do anything, but she looks good doing it.” – Paris Hilton
"I was big time into Barbie." ~ Jennifer Sky
“Barbie has always been an inspiration. Dressing her was part of every girls’s dream.” – Reem Acra
"Growing up, my dolls were doctors and on secret missions. I had Barbie Goes Rambo." ~ Zoe Saldana
"Stand-up was like being on a Barbie townhouse stage." ~ Mario Cantone
“What hasn’t Barbie been? I don’t think I can create an occupation that she has not done yet.” – Zendaya
"I'll never be like a Barbie girl, that's for sure." ~ Victoria Azarenka
“”America’s Next Top Model” is not a bunch of Barbies – it’s a lot of girls that are atypically beautiful.” – Tyra Banks
"I can't do Los Angeles. I've always been the anti-Barbie. I don't want to be in a place where almost every woman walks around with puffy lips, little noses and breasts large enough to nourish a small country." ~ Vera Farmiga
“For many young girls, Barbie is their first association with fashion and dressing up and changing clothes.” – Fern Mallis
"I was into Barbie and designer jeans." ~ Carson Kressley
“I didn’t want to be a Barbie doll. I didn’t want to be a passive entertainer. It wasn’t how I wanted to present myself.” – Annie Lennox
"When I was really young. My sister and I would create different characters with our Barbie dolls - I'd be the crazy diva Barbie and she'd be the homeless Barbie." ~ Jordana Brewster
“Did you know that if Barbie was a real woman with those proportions, she’d have to carry her kidneys in her purse?” – Lani Diane Rich
"The very idea of having children brings out this deep revulsion in me." ~ Valeria Lukyanova
“I always tell my mom that if she would have just bought me a Barbie when I was little, I would have gone into real estate.” – Trixie Mattel
"I did a picture for the First Barbie doll box." ~ Heather O'Rourke
“I stay away from the title of “role model”. I want to be a more realistic role model – not a perfect Barbie role model.” – Melanie Martinez
"Growing up with two sisters, you either play by yourself or play Barbie with them. I played by myself." ~ Ricky Williams
“You know you’ve made it when you’ve been moulded in miniature plastic. But you know what children do with Barbie dolls – it’s a bit scary, actually.” – Cate Blanchett
"I think they should have a Barbie with a buzz cut." ~ Ellen DeGeneres
“But there was one girl who had a big influence over me. Barbie. I worshiped Barbie. In fact, I would say Barbie was my twelve-inch plastic life coach.” – Lizz Winstead
"For many young girls, [Barbie is] their first association with fashion and dressing up and changing clothes." ~ Fern Mallis
“I am not your Barbie girl I am living in my own world, my life is fantastic you call me classic, you can’t touch me there unless I say so because I am not your Barbie girl…”
"Barbie is my fashion icon. People think I'm Paris Barbie - and it's a compliment." ~ Paris Hilton
“I had a lot of Barbies growing up, and a lot of porcelain dolls, but I was scared of them. I was so scared of them, I would try to turn their head away.” – Melanie Martinez
"Remember how many beautiful women there were in the 1950s and 1960s, without any surgery? And now, thanks to degeneration, we have this." ~ Valeria Lukyanova
“I’m excited to be a part of the new direction the Barbie brand is headed, specifically how they are celebrating diversity in the line and encouraging kids to raise their voices.” – Zendaya
"I'm the Barbie, keep alotta plastic. Little pink stars, put em on my jacket." ~ Nicki Minaj
“When I was really young. My sister and I would create different characters with our Barbie dolls – I’d be the crazy diva Barbie and she’d be the homeless Barbie.” – Jordana Brewster
"I didn't want to be a Barbie doll. I didn't want to be a passive entertainer. It wasn't how I wanted to present myself." ~ Annie Lennox
“The ugly duckling is a misunderstood universal myth. It’s not about turning into a blonde Barbie doll or becoming what you dream of being, it’s about self-revelation.” – Baz Luhrmann
"You know you've made it when you've been moulded in miniature plastic. But you know what children do with Barbie dolls - it's a bit scary, actually." ~ Cate Blanchett
“In the past few decades, quite a few people have suggested – citing most often the offence of impossible proportions – that Barbie dolls teach young girls to hate themselves.” – Eula Biss
"It was my first scene. My first day. We could have started with me drinking a beer, something a little less than having Barbies touching each other. But they started with that." ~ Gisele Bundchen
"I'm definitely attracted to other Australians; I have a laid-back attitude to life that I feel is very Australian; I love a good barbie." ~ Isla Fisher
"If I think of all those homosexuals in Germany today, I think I'd hand my German passport back, if I had one." ~ Klaus Barbie
"I actually wanted to be a fashion designer. I did a lot with the sewing machine at home - - for Barbie or for carnival or just for fun. Then I saw this ad in the newspaper. And as young girls sometimes do some stupid things, I filled in the coupon and sent in my photos." ~ Heidi Klum
"If there were mistakes, there were mistakes. But a man has to have a line of work, no?" ~ Klaus Barbie
"I don't like being under someone elses thumb. I'm very supportive of other female artists, especially those trying to make their own statement... trying to do what they want instead of being someone else's Barbie doll." ~ Irene Cara
"I'll try to communicate, Taylor said. She spoke slowly and deliberately. Hello! We need help. Is your village close? My village is Denver. And I think it's a long way from here. I'm Nicole Ade. Miss Colorado. We have a Colorado where we're from too! Tiara said. She swiveled her hips, spread her arms wide, then brought her hands together prayer-style and bowed. Kipa aloha. Nicole stared. I speak English. I'm American. Also, did you learn those moves from Barbie's Hawaiian Vacation DVD? Ohmigosh, yes! Do your people have that, too?" ~ Libba Bray
"My first modeling job was Gap, and my first time in front of the camera was for a Soda Pop Girls commercial - it's one of those Bratz dolls, Barbie dollsone of those." ~ Hailee Steinfeld
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