Short BAD Boujee Quotes for IG and Bougie Instagram Captions
we have collected the best boujee captions and bougie quotes for you which you can use in your Instagram photo and bio section.
This post includes savage captions and quotes, sassy captions and quotes, bad and boujee quotes, bougie captions for Instagram, and boujee Instagram captions.
Bad and Boujee Quotes for Instagram
- My energy $pea㉿$ f⟲r it$elf.
- Get it t⟲gether ⟲r f⟲rget it f⟲rever.
- Ic⟲n$ are b⟲rn n⟲t made .
- D⟲n't tell y⟲ur girl ab⟲ut me, $he might bec⟲me a fan.
- N⟲t title$, ju$t vibe$.
- $ingle f⟲r the night .
- W⟲㉿e up t⟲ a g⟲⟲d life b⟲dy.
- Pr⟲ceed with cauti⟲n.
- I'm a 3, n⟲t a layup.
- Unt⟲uchable but y⟲u feel thi$.
- Left y⟲u ⟲n red.
- N⟲t heartle$$, ju$t u$ing my heart le$$,
- ⟲utta $ight but ⟲n y⟲ur mind.
- T⟲p 2 and I ain't 2.
- D⟲n't hmu when i gl⟲ up.
- New year wh⟲ di$.
- When it d⟲n't add up, $ubtract y⟲ur$elf.
- $⟲metime$ y⟲u g⟲tta ㉿eep the g⟲⟲d new$ y⟲ur$elf.
- I care en⟲ugh t⟲ n⟲tice but n⟲t en⟲ugh t⟲ trip.
- Wait ⟲n it.
- Lemme $h⟲w y⟲u $⟲mething y⟲u ain't ㉿n⟲w ab⟲ut.
- never $ettle.
- They ⟲nly mii$$ y⟲u when y⟲u d⟲ing g⟲⟲d ⟲r l⟲⟲㉿ing g⟲⟲d.
Bougie Captions and Bougie Quotes for Instagram
- - D⟲n't give a fuc㉿ ab⟲ut what any⟲ne thin㉿$ ⟲f y⟲u .
- - If any⟲ne $ay$ $⟲mething d⟲n't thin㉿ ab⟲ut it bc remember "5 min" ⟲f y⟲ur time can be
- wa$ted up$et ab⟲ut $⟲mething but it w⟲n't matter 5 year$ fr⟲m n⟲w.
- - C⟲nfidence i$ ㉿eyy.
- - Hair d⟲ne, nail$ d⟲ne, eyebr⟲w$ ⟲n flee㉿㉿ and ⟲utfit$ ⟲n flee㉿.
- - $tay l⟲w㉿ey at all time$.
- -G⟲⟲d vibe$ ⟲nly.
- - N⟲ $tre$$ing.
- -Cut t⟲xic pe⟲ple ⟲ut ⟲f y⟲ur life.
- -D⟲n't let any⟲ne $ee y⟲u at y⟲ur wea㉿ $p⟲t.
- -Ma㉿e deci$i⟲n$ f⟲r y⟲ur$elf.
- -D⟲n't f⟲ll⟲w a cr⟲wd .
- -$t⟲p trying t⟲ fit in be y⟲ur$elf.
Short Savage, Sassy and Boujee Quotes for IG
- If life give$ y⟲u lem⟲n$ .... add v⟲d㉿a.
- Maybe $he'$ b⟲rn with it, maybe it'$ A wh⟲le l⟲t ⟲f ma㉿eup........Nailed it.
- My b⟲dy i$ li㉿e an h⟲urgla$$.... I ju$t have extra minute.
- Ju$t queenin
- Be a rainb⟲w in $⟲me⟲ne al$e'$ cl⟲ud.
- L⟲$t in between $pace and paradi$e.
- Twin㉿le, twin㉿le little $tar.
- T⟲ the and bac㉿ .
- If y⟲u're $ad, add m⟲re lip$tic㉿ and attac㉿.
- In life we $imply mu$t learn wh⟲ i$ real g⟲ld, and wh⟲ are g⟲ld plated.
- Ta$ted the feeling, baby.
- feeling h⟲t h⟲t h⟲t.
- Tryna d⟲ what l⟲ver$ d⟲, ⟲⟲h.
- Hey y⟲u , y⟲u are pretty fu㉿n awe$⟲me .
- I want it all.
- When the $un g⟲e$ d⟲wn, I gl⟲w up.
- N⟲ fl⟲c㉿$ given.
- La vie en r⟲$e.
- A $mile i$ the prettie$t thing t⟲ wear.
Boujee Instagram Captions and Bougie Quotes for IG
- ⟲utfit $⟲ $ic㉿ $h⟲uld be wal㉿ing in ti$$ue.
- La vie en nair.
- Hu$tle.
- I'm fly a$ a bird.
- Itza vibe y⟲u w⟲n't find n⟲where el$e.
- L⟲c㉿ alive.
- Paradi$e f⟲und.
- Wa$n't made t⟲ fall in l⟲ve.
- N⟲ bad feeling.
- Be l⟲w㉿ey let em w⟲nder.
- I c⟲me bef⟲re u,. alphabet.
- Ppl bringing me, ⟲ld new$.
- $he ain't me.
- Dar㉿ eye$ , c⟲l⟲urful mind.
- La vie en r⟲$e.
- Ha㉿unamatata.
- Expectati⟲n$ alway$ high.
- Ain't w⟲rried.
- Tbh, it '$ n⟲t that deep .
- $m:)e.
Final Words
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